The limerick pub
11301 Elkin St Wheaton, MD 20902
The Limerick Pub’sYelp Link: ***
If you want to find Dr. KOS, PhD in Wheaton, MD, he probably will be at this pub. 😉
I guess we can consider this spot our Cheers – a place where everyone knows my name (whether I like it or not 🤣). I’m not sure how this place converted into a random bar that I walked into while searching for an adult beverage on a warm summer day to our local watering hole. Actually, I do remember. Originally, I was going to check out a mexican restaurant/bar because I really wanted a margarita. However, the restaurant/bar give off a vibe as if I was a “persona non grata” so I left before the bartender could start preparing my margarita because I REFUSE to spend my hard-earned money at an unwelcoming place.
Because I was having such a crappy work week…well crappy month…well crappy couple of months, I really wanted some comfort food. Typically, Fish n Chips is one of my main go-to comfort dishes. LOL, my mom would joke and say that I only like Fish n Chips because I like malt vinegar. I think this recent visit was an excuse to also have a beer (or three) with my Fish n Chips. Come to think of it, I’ve only had Fish n Chips in bars/pubs because I cannot think of a time when I made it at home. Eh, I guess that makes sense because I’m not a huge fan of frying seafood at home.
Some reasons why I f*ck with The Limerick Pub.
-It’s pretty close to our apt. Sometimes, as a way to get some fresh air and some movement (on my work from home days), I’ll make the 2-mile walk to the pub.
-Everyone, for the most part, is pretty nice. The pub is one of those places where you can visit alone and end up chatting with 2-4 new people. Also, it’s one of those places where if you want to be left alone, folks will leave you the hell alone.
-The pub food is pretty good, and they have theme nights. For instance, Throwback Thursdays are pretty cool because most of the pub menu prices are listed as 2011 prices – the year the pub opened. Honestly, I cannot say that I’ve had a bad meal there.
-The older Irish bartender is always cranky, but “fun” cranky….on most occasions. However, the husband and I figured out how to melt his cold heart with two topics. Topic 1: Eurovision because he, who looks like he is in his 50s, has been watching the contest his entire life. Topic 2: Spain because he really wants to retire there. I think retiring in Spain is a goal for some from the the UK and Ireland because the weather is nicer and the cost of living is lower.
-The bar is really close (a 2-minute walk) from a really “important” cultural site…the Wheaton Metro Station. Stretching 230 feet, the Wheaton Metro station has the longest set of escalators in the Western Hemisphere.