Currently, I am sitting in a somewhat boring seminar, the topic matter is irrelevant, and I came across an interesting email from's blog, entitled "10 Things Only Runners Know" by Erica Bellman. I have decided to comment on each of these things to see how much I know as a runner.
Let's start.
1. Running is the best way to discover a new place.
I find this to be true, especially running through the streets of Bed-Stuy, my new neighborhood in Brooklyn. For example, you can find many cute coffee shops, bars, and restaurants that you would ordinary miss during your busy commute. As many people know, New Yorkers are all about getting from point A to point B without getting boggled down with too many details and wasting too much time.
2. But, there is no place like home.
Eh, I think that I get really bored running the same routes over and over. However, it is fine because you have a "home-field" advantage. For example, I get somewhat bored with NYRR-sposored races because 90% of the races are in Central Park.
3. Those lucky shoes.
Yup, this is correct. I really hate when I find a running shoe that I love and then find out that the shoe has been discontinued the following year/season.
4. You run what you eat.
This is kind of inaccurate for me, because I really do not pay attention to what I eat when I train. I tried to focus more on nutrition while training for the Montreal Half-Marathon but that did not pan out too well. I still ate and drank crap during my training period. Maybe one of these days, I will get it together.
5. Water fountains are your best friends.
FALSE. You will NEVER catch me drinking out of a water fountain in a park in NYC. I hear people pee in those things.
6. When you have to go, almost anywhere will do.
This is true to a certain extent because it is a 50-100 dollar if you are found taking a leak in the city. I always make sure that my bladder is completely empty before going on that long run.
7. The comforting camaraderie between strangers.
Eh, I guess. I think that I am focused too much on my music to notice people around me.
8. Your running buddy is also your therapist.
I do not really run with other folks. For me, running is a mechanism to be in my own world for an hour or so.
9. Just how good it feels to get out there again.
This is very true. I have not ran for a few weeks and I am longing to get back out there; especially because the Northeast is having a freakishly warm fall.
10. The runner's high is real.
So very true, especially after a tough hill run or sprint workout that you know you killed. I do not know about the high fives though.
It looks like that I agree with many of these things/feels as described by Erica.
Ok, time to get back to this seminar.