Image courtesy of Rock n Roll
Quick Thoughts:
-I'm well prepared to know that this is going to be my worst half marathon even. You know what? I'm perfectly fine with it...for now.
-This half marathon is going to be my Day 0 for getting back into my running groove. It has been a rough couple of months.
-Random purchase: Since I have been having issues waking up in the morning, I purchased this alarm clock, which has a bed shaker. Ok, I do not have a problem waking up, I have a problem actually getting out of bed. Normally, I try to wake up around 4/4:30 am to hit the gym. However, I do not want to wake up the hubby with a loud alarm. Although the alarm shakes the bed, if I position it in between my two pillows, it shakes my side of the bed just enough to wake me but not wake him.
-You know what's funny. The organizers of RnR DC Half give detailed instructions on how take the metro to the the expo, but the information is very limited (or rather, non existent) for using the metro.
This is kind of annoying, because taking the metro will work if you are in DC and not in the burbs. Having run this half last year, I was in a world of problems because I did not learn until the day of the half marathon (around 3am when I woke up) that the metro does start running until 7:00 am on weekends. I ended up taking a ride share, AND I still almost missed the half.
-The other lesson that I learned: I should aim to get to the start around 7am and just hang out for an hour. Last year, I was EXTREMELY stressed getting to the start. Even though I took an Uber (I think I left my place around 6:30 am), the DC traffic was so bad with the road closures that I ended up having to rent a city bike and bike three miles to the start. Oh, it gets even more annoying. Once I arrived to the start area, the closest bike docking station was full. Ugh, I ended up having to ride the bike another 1.5 miles from the starting area to find a place with a free spot to dock the bike. This meant that I had to run/jog 1.5 miles to the start. I was extremely lucky because I arrived to the bag drop 2-3 minutes before the trucks were about to head off to the finish area. Needless to say, I was over running this half marathon before I even arrived to the start. Funny/sad thing about the bag drop situation: While running the half, I saw several people running with their clear bags because they missed the cutoff for the bag drop.
-I wonder where I should have a post-race brunch. Maybe the all you can eat and drink Balkan Restaurant...or maybe the all you can eat and drink Lebanese place. The Lebanese place doesn't play bc they just leave the bottles of champagne on your table and let you handle business.
-Looks like the weather is going to be nice on Saturday.
-Since this half marathon is going to be a disaster, I just registered to run the Alexandria Half Marathon near the end of April.
-LOL. What any interesting piece of information that I "have" to fill out
-Y'all need to stop. Man, these race organizers will try to charge you for everything in addition to $95 for the half itself and $8.95 for the registration fee. 1. For an extra 20 bucks, you can get a no questions asked refund ticket. 2. For an extra 40 bucks, you can pick up your race packet on race day. I swear if it isn't one thing or another.