Getting back on that "horse"

I have been a little busy for the past few weeks with life and with trying to enjoy our fake spring here in NYC. But, it now is time to get back to working and maintaing this "blog." And what do I mean by "working"? MARATHON TRAINING. I have decided to test my "luck" and the power in my back, ass, thighs, calves, and feet and run the Rock n Roll Marathon de Montreal in September.

Over the past few years, Montreal has become one of my favorite cities in North America and I need a reason to visit this wonderful city every year. I think running 26.2 miles through a city is a pretty good reason to visit this laid-back town.


The course, itself, looks pretty easy . . . once you get over the running 26.2 miles part. However, there appears to be a "nice" and long incline for about 8 miles after the first third of the run. I guess that I will have to incorporate more hill work (something that I did not focus on with my first NYC marathon) - good thing there are no shortages of bridges in NYC. 

Ready . . . Set . . . RUN!!!!! Over the next 132 days, I must complete 85 training runs which will consist of over 521 miles, based on my interactive My Asics marathon training app.

See ya on the streets.