I'm back . . . Again

Ok. I have not been here in a WHILE, probably since November/December 2016. I do not know why but this year has been so up and down.  

I do not know what happened after the Montreal Half Marathon (Oct. 2016) but I just lost interest in running.  I planned to take a couple months off before training for the NYC Half in March….THEN I threw out my back badly (a relapse of my herniated disc) in January. I had to visit the emergency room twice in one week. I had to defer the race till next year. 

Now we are in May but I have not really done anything related to running. Also, I have not been doing any bike riding due to the intense winter we had in the northeast. 

*** Yeah, Yeah, I know that I am coming up with a lot of excuses***

I will say that I have been enjoying Zumba (4 times a week) over the past few months. I needed to do something to keep my cardio up. Plus, I have been doing some weight training to retain some muscle mass. 

Back to the title of this post. Last year, I completed my NYRR 9+1 program, which means that I am registered for the NYC Marathon in November. EEK. Thus, I have to start training as if I am I a true novice to long distance running. One mile at a time, right?

I am a little afraid but I am up for the challenge. That said, I am not looking forward to long runs during the summer. 

See ya in the streets.