RnR Washington DC Half: Training Wk 5

Run Rock n Roll DC Half Marathon Banner


Ok! Enough of this pity party with these “road to recovery” posts. 😉 The die has been cast, and I have officially registered for Run Rock n Roll Washington D.C. Half Marathon (RnR D.C. Half).

Kwame's Insta post about registering for Rock n Roll DC

General Updates:

Overall, this week was so-so because I did not do many of my runs; however, I managed to do my long run . . . so that's something. Over the weekend, well only on Saturday, we had a touch of "spring in winter" with temps in the upper 50s F. It was great because it gave me the opportunity to do my long run (8 mi) outdoors. Actually, it was so warm out that I had to take off my long-sleeved shirt around mile 6.


I kept this long run simple by running 4 miles along Sligo Creek Trail and running back.


The run was pretty nice, and it was great to smell some fresh air (instead of gym air) while running. I'm still doing the walk (0.1-0.25 mi) run (0.75-0.90 mi) method for each mile. Overall, I'm still falling in the long-run range (11:46-13:12 min/mi) for my training plan.


In fact, I ran the first half at a 12:44 min/mi pace and the second half at 12:37 min/mi. I know this pace is nothing to write home about, but it still counts as a negative split. ;) Using the walk/run method, I walked 0.25 mi for each mile during the first four miles and 0.1 mi during the second four miles. The weird thing: I'm not walking because I'm tired (for the most part); I'm walking because that's the only way I can stay in the 11:46-13:12 min/mi range. Also, it's kind of weird that I had a negative (albeit by a few seconds) for the second half because I walked for about 1/2 of mile while eating my Cliff bar during mile five.


Strength Training:

not do as many strength training workout as I would have liked. However, I managed to squeeze in a few Insanity Max: 30 HIIT workouts during the week.


I wonder if I'll actually finish the 60-day workout program. ;) Well, I know that I will not finish the program in 60 days because I'm doing this program to supplement my other fitness crap. However, it would be nice to finish this program. Normally, I get about 20 -30 days into the program and move on to another program or to another injury. ;) I think this happens because some of the 30+ day BODi programs becomes a bit repetitive.

Dieting/Proper Eating:

Ugh, I kind of had a setback. Because of my erratic sleeping scheduled (mostly caused by me), I haven't really been doing my 16-hr fasts or portion control. :( Actually, I find it's easier to fast when I work onsite (Tuesdays/Thursdays) because I do not chow down as much when I'm in the office, compared to when I'm home. Also, I'm a bit better with portion control during my office days since I do not have a pantry of food at my disposal - only a variety of teas and coffee. Dropping the ball with my eating this week reminded me of this meme from I Love Being Black’s IG.


So yeah, January will be my trial month for dieting/proper eating. Actually, I am proud of upping my daily intake of fruits and veggies by drinking homemade smoothies that typically consist of spinach, carrots, celery, apples, blueberries, broccoli, tomatoes, and a scoop of yogurt. At the beginning of the week, I shread a brunch of fruits and veggies so I'll save time not having to chop crap everyday.

Goals for the week:

Same goals as last week.

-Make health appointments. I need to find an internist because I have not had a physical with full blood work in two years. Also, I need to find an optometrist and a podiatrist. One of the crappy things about moving to a new city is having to find new medical specialists.

-Update my running playlist. It seems as if Eurovision has taken over a lot of my running (and general) playlists.

-Start meal prepping.