Planned Miles: 22
Completed Miles: 21
Someone in one of my FB running groups posted this meme. Just as an FYI, I'm the Black dude in the back of the meme. ;) Here's the original picture from which the meme is based.
It's on like Donkey Kong
I think that my first week of NYC Marathon 2022 training went very well. Of course, it went well because the first week is the easiest week. I'll admit that I do not feel so confident coming into this training season, but that's 100% my fault. My fault because I did not put in a lot of groundwork during my pre-marathon training season, so I feel like I'm really starting from scratch. Actually, what are two levels below starting from scratch? For example, my 8.5 mi long was a struggle because I did a 1/10th of a mile recovery walk after each mile. I guess it was not too horrible of an attempt because according to my training goal, I still stayed within my long run time range of 11:31-12:55 min/mi.
Yes, I know these numbers are from the first quarter, which should have been accomplished in March. I'm just a few months behind my 2022 running goals. ;)
I guess y'all are right: waking up earlier is the best way to get the long run out of the way. ;)
You gotta fake it (with the smile) to make it at 6:34 am on a Sunday morning. Technically, I wanted to do my long run on Saturday, but I had a little too much fun hanging out with friends on Friday night (yes, there were shots were involved) and did not rise to the occasion on Saturday morning. While my running plan calls for Sunday long runs, I like planning my long runs for Saturdays. You know, just in case something happens on Saturday (well Friday night) then I have Sunday as a buffer. Come to think about it. Since we'll be moving to VA in a couple of weeks, I do not think that I will have too many issues with missing my Saturday long runs.
I'll say my worst run this week was my Friday easy 3-mile run. It was my worst run for the week because I could not get out to do the run until 12 pm when it was hot as hell.
Oh, I think this is the first time that I finished a Runchat scavenger hunt.
NYC Marathon 2022 Training Plan:
Image from Hal Higdon Training (Link ***)
Goals for the week:
-Return to daily stretching and foam rolling.
-Try to have at least one FULL day of clean eating.
-Return to my Core de Force MMA workouts.