- Marathon training app randomness
- First long run
1. Marathon training app randomness
The title. My graduate advisor, always used to say "something's amiss" whenever I got random results for certain experiments. This statement clearly applies to my training program that I will change in a couple of days.
For my half marathon training plan, I used (and loved) My Asics training app because
My Asics Run Training App
- it's free.
- the app is adaptive.
- it incorporates your training schedule into your phone calendar, so you can schedule reminders.
Seems relatively simple, right? The issue that I am having with this program/plan is the the lack of increased long runs later in the program. Typically, in most marathon training programs, the "trainee" has to complete weekly long runs that gradually increase in distance as you progress through the program. In July - August (10-16 weeks) of the My Asics Training app program, I would be alternanting between 8.5 and 11.5 miles for my long runs. However, my first REAL long run (18.5) occurs at the end of August - four weeks before the marathon. Most training programs have a runner complete 16-18 around week 16/17; however, one gradually increases to that distance. In this program, you upgrade from 11.5 to 18.5 miles within a week. This seems crazy to me.
I think that I will keep the app but just do my own training plan . . . maybe it will adapt to a real program. However, I will follow the program outlined in this Stackfitness.com article, written by Matt Fitzgerald.
Hopefully, this new plan will give me a little more confidence to train for the Montreal Marathon.
2. First Long Run
I completed my first week of training last week and I had a nice little 6 mile (I was supposed to do 5.5) run in Central. I did a general route but I ran north on the West side of the Park rather than on the East side of the Park.
The weather was nice and the Park was relatively empty; perhaps, the Brooklyn Half Marathon had a role in reduction of weekend runners. I did a very easy, laid back run at a 9'12'' min/mi pace, which is off a submarathon pace (9'00'' min/mi). But, it was the first 3 mile plus run that I have completed since the Half Marathon
Song of the run