RnR Washington DC Half: Training Wk 7

Run Rock n Roll DC Half Marathon Banner


Ok! Enough of this pity party with these “road to recovery” posts. 😉 The die has been cast, and I have officially registered for Run Rock n Roll Washington D.C. Half Marathon (RnR D.C. Half).

Kwame's Insta post about registering for Rock n Roll DC

General Updates:

I have to admit that my motivation has been waning over the last week; however, I do not think it's running-related. I'm not sure if it's weather- or social-related. God, I cannot wait until Spring arrives. Then again, folks tend to have good and bad weeks when training for an upcoming event. Yike, my Rock n Roll DC half marathon is about 30 days away.

I have to say that I regained some of my running motivation during this weekend's Kemp Mill (C)hills 10K. Although I did not perform as well as I would have liked, this race lit a fire in my ever growing a** to get back on track (pun intended). While the race was this past Sunday, my legs quads and calves are still sore three days later from all of those hills.


Oh, I bit the bullet and joined the Montgomery County Road Runners Club (MCRRC). Since I hate wasting money, I hope this 'investment' will force me to run some of their upcoming low-key races and participate in some of their training runs.

Strength Training:

Bah, humbug. Last week, I hit the gym only once, but technically, I went twice. Lord, I'm such a mess. So what happened on the other day? I decided to walk ~3 miles to the gym as a way to warm up and get some fresh air. I arrived, changed into my workout clothes, and did three sets of bench presses. Hey! Something is better than nothing. Since I wasn't feeling it, I decided to hit up a local sushi spot. Well, lifting raw fish with two stick counts as a workout, right?


Dieting/Proper Eating:

Healthy eating was a bit of a bust this week, and I'm going to blame the Super Bowl AND the Puppy Bowl. I'll get back to eating decently next week because this week has been a little intense (holiday wise) with the Super Bowl, the Puppy Bowl (lol), Mardi Gras, and Valentine's Day all within days of each other.


So, I finally got my life together and made some health appointments to see a podiatrist and an internist. Why is it whenever I go to a podiatrist, I always receive different (and sometimes conflicting) information. As some may know, I have a heloma molle (aka a kissing corn) in between my 4th and 5th toes on my right foot.

Some information about these bad boys:

“Kissing corns are calluses or corns that develop between the toes, usually between the fourth and fifth (pinky) digits. The pain happens because the toe bones rub against each other creating little corns that “kiss.” They are also called soft corns or calluses....Because kissing corns are located between the toes, they are generally not as hard as other corns and calluses on the bottom or side of the foot due to the natural humidity in the area. These soft calluses can be whitish or yellowish and tend to look spongy....When the kissing corns are recurrent, there’s a small procedure that can be done in our offices in which we make a half-inch incision and shave down the bone slightly, so they stop their love affair' of rubbing against each other."

Central Massachusetts Podiatry

First podiatrist: He basically made it seem like I needed to get surgery ASAP to shave portions of bones in my 4th and 5th toes. Looking back, had I received this information during the pandemic, I probably would have done it. Recovery involves staying off of your foot for about a month, and most of the world (including myself) really wasn't doing anything during the pandemic.

Second podiatrist: Confirmed that it was a heloma molle, but he said that I really didn't need surgery unless the kissing corn prevented me from doing day-to-day activities. Considering that I've run 4-5 marathons and countless half marathons with these corns, he pretty much said that I didn't need surgery. Instead, he recommended wearing foot spacers and visiting him every 3-6 months to have the dead skin removed.


Third podiatrist (most recent): Didn't mention anything about the heloma molle, the misshapen bones in my foot, or surgery. She did indicate that there was a slight fungal infection deep in the corn. While she prescribed a topical antifungal cream, she said that it probably wouldn't work. Um, then why the hell are you prescribing it? She did recommend a few things:

  • Investing Therlo shocks or another brand of non-cotton socks. Damn, she was right because these Therlo socks are kind of expensive at $50 for three pairs.

  • Not wearing socks during my work from home days to reduce excess moisture accumulation in between my toes.

  • Purchasing an anti-fungal spray for my shoes to kill off the spores from the fungal infection and reduce the chances for reinfection. Actually, this is a great tip.

Goals for the week:

-Although I'm not super religious these days, I like to give up something during the season of Lent. For the next 40 days & nights, I'm going to lay off of the Devil's lettuce and reduce my idleness by doing something productive (non-work related) for at least 1.5 hrs a day. There a few things that I really need to start doing that include: figuring out my professional life in medical communications (e.g., making an individual development plan, connecting with other folks in the industry, figuring out my next career move); updating my social media accounts (e.g., primarily my professional website and LinkedIn); look into getting my project management professional certification; learn a new non work -related skill (e.g., relearn programming with Python and R).

RnR Washington DC Half: Training Wk 6

Run Rock n Roll DC Half Marathon Banner


Ok! Enough of this pity party with these “road to recovery” posts. 😉 The die has been cast, and I have officially registered for Run Rock n Roll Washington D.C. Half Marathon (RnR D.C. Half).

Kwame's Insta post about registering for Rock n Roll DC

General Updates:

This week has been pretty ho hum in my running world. I'll admit that I skipped my long run this weekend. Fortunately for me, my long run was supposed to be a 5K race. ;) Instead of running a 5K race or doing a long run, I decided to hit the stationary bike for about 60 minutes while singing along to the original Hairspray.


Strength Training:

Strength training (supplemented with HIIT and yoga) has been going ok. Now, I've started supplementing my supplemental training with some exercises from Quick Strength for Running.


While the first week of exercises from the book look pretty easy, boy some of my smaller muscles definitely need work. The few exercises that gave me a run for my money were the adductor leg raises, side leg raises, and windshield wipers.

Dieting/Proper Eating:

While I have been watching what I eat . . . kinda sorta, I was disappointed by my monthly weigh in. Unfortunately, I did not lose any weight during the month of January. In fact, I gained three pounds, which may or may not be significant. I completely understand that losing weight is 20% exercising and 80% managing your diet (or whatever the real ratio is). Well, I have been drinking these nasty veggie smoothies for lunch. I think the one below was a mixture of an orange, broccoli, spinach, carrots, blueberries, celery, and a scoop of yogurt.


Although I didn't lose any weight, I expected to at leave maintained my current (well, previous) weight since I have been working out. I guess that I need to do a bit more in terms of my diet/eating habits. One thing that I really need to change is my sleep habits. Like my eating, my sleeping is a hot mess for which I blame decades of being a night owl. Most nights (well mornings), I do not get to sleep until 1-3 am and will wake up around 6 am. I'm sure that my ghrelin/leptin hormones are out of whack. In case you are unfamiliar with these hormones:

  • Ghrelin tells your brain that you are "hungry"and typically increases during sleep deprivation.

  • Leptin tells your brain that you are full.

Goals for the week:

-Try to get to bed by 11 pm at least 3 nights this week.

-Begin meal prepping and planning my menu for the week. I think if I actually have a menu for the week, I'll be less likely to eat random crap.

RnR Washington DC Half: Training Wk 5

Run Rock n Roll DC Half Marathon Banner


Ok! Enough of this pity party with these “road to recovery” posts. 😉 The die has been cast, and I have officially registered for Run Rock n Roll Washington D.C. Half Marathon (RnR D.C. Half).

Kwame's Insta post about registering for Rock n Roll DC

General Updates:

Overall, this week was so-so because I did not do many of my runs; however, I managed to do my long run . . . so that's something. Over the weekend, well only on Saturday, we had a touch of "spring in winter" with temps in the upper 50s F. It was great because it gave me the opportunity to do my long run (8 mi) outdoors. Actually, it was so warm out that I had to take off my long-sleeved shirt around mile 6.


I kept this long run simple by running 4 miles along Sligo Creek Trail and running back.


The run was pretty nice, and it was great to smell some fresh air (instead of gym air) while running. I'm still doing the walk (0.1-0.25 mi) run (0.75-0.90 mi) method for each mile. Overall, I'm still falling in the long-run range (11:46-13:12 min/mi) for my training plan.


In fact, I ran the first half at a 12:44 min/mi pace and the second half at 12:37 min/mi. I know this pace is nothing to write home about, but it still counts as a negative split. ;) Using the walk/run method, I walked 0.25 mi for each mile during the first four miles and 0.1 mi during the second four miles. The weird thing: I'm not walking because I'm tired (for the most part); I'm walking because that's the only way I can stay in the 11:46-13:12 min/mi range. Also, it's kind of weird that I had a negative (albeit by a few seconds) for the second half because I walked for about 1/2 of mile while eating my Cliff bar during mile five.


Strength Training:

not do as many strength training workout as I would have liked. However, I managed to squeeze in a few Insanity Max: 30 HIIT workouts during the week.


I wonder if I'll actually finish the 60-day workout program. ;) Well, I know that I will not finish the program in 60 days because I'm doing this program to supplement my other fitness crap. However, it would be nice to finish this program. Normally, I get about 20 -30 days into the program and move on to another program or to another injury. ;) I think this happens because some of the 30+ day BODi programs becomes a bit repetitive.

Dieting/Proper Eating:

Ugh, I kind of had a setback. Because of my erratic sleeping scheduled (mostly caused by me), I haven't really been doing my 16-hr fasts or portion control. :( Actually, I find it's easier to fast when I work onsite (Tuesdays/Thursdays) because I do not chow down as much when I'm in the office, compared to when I'm home. Also, I'm a bit better with portion control during my office days since I do not have a pantry of food at my disposal - only a variety of teas and coffee. Dropping the ball with my eating this week reminded me of this meme from I Love Being Black’s IG.


So yeah, January will be my trial month for dieting/proper eating. Actually, I am proud of upping my daily intake of fruits and veggies by drinking homemade smoothies that typically consist of spinach, carrots, celery, apples, blueberries, broccoli, tomatoes, and a scoop of yogurt. At the beginning of the week, I shread a brunch of fruits and veggies so I'll save time not having to chop crap everyday.

Goals for the week:

Same goals as last week.

-Make health appointments. I need to find an internist because I have not had a physical with full blood work in two years. Also, I need to find an optometrist and a podiatrist. One of the crappy things about moving to a new city is having to find new medical specialists.

-Update my running playlist. It seems as if Eurovision has taken over a lot of my running (and general) playlists.

-Start meal prepping.

RnR Washington DC Half: Training Wk 4

Run Rock n Roll DC Half Marathon Banner


Ok! Enough of this pity party with these “road to recovery” posts. 😉 The die has been cast, and I have officially registered for Run Rock n Roll Washington D.C. Half Marathon (RnR D.C. Half).

Kwame's Insta post about registering for Rock n Roll DC

General Updates:

Now that I've finished my brief hiatus from blogging, it's time to get back on that horse with my weekly training updates. I'm training for Rock n Roll DC Half Marathon, which is in mid March. Since I'm easing back into to writing these updates, this will be somewhat unorganized.

Training has been going just ok - not great, but not bad. Because I had to deal with my back injury from August to October, I think that I have some hesitations in pushing myself out of fear of re-injuring myself. While slow is good sometimes, I think that I might be taking things a little to slowly I'm primarily following Hal Higdon's Half Marathon Training : Novice 1 Program (link: ***), which calls for about 3-4 runs each week. Also, most of the runs are in the easy range.

To figure out my pacing for this training runs, I used Runner's World Race pace calculator for a 2:30 half marathon (link: ***). Hopefully, I'll have a time that's faster than 2:30 for this half marathon on March.

Kwame's RnR DC Half Marathon training goals for paces

With the exception of the tempo and VO2-max runs, I have been meeting my target times. The long runs have been a bit interesting. I know these runs are supposed to be slow; however, I do not know if my current pace range (11:46-13:13 min/mi) is TOO slow for me. Even with walking about 0.15 - 0.25 miles at the beginning of each mile, I'm still running 11:45 min/mi. You know what? I'm not gonna say that this is too slow because I'm still at the 7 mile mark for my long runs. Perhaps, I'll started landing in the middle point of the long run range once I hit 9+ miles for the long runs.

Oh last weekend, the hubby and I visited my hometown (Va. Beach), and we had a chance to actually vacation. What do I mean by "vacation"? Since it's the off-season, the hotels on the Oceanfront were "dirt" cheap. Prices were around $100/night instead of the typical $300+/night rates. So instead of staying at relative's place (since I've FINALLY started renting out my mother's house), we decided to stay on the beach. BTW, if you are ever in Va Beach, I highly recommend Hyatt Place Va Beach/Oceanfront (link: ***) for a few reasons:

  • It's right on the boardwalk, so you will wake up to the sunrise overlooking the Atlantic (depending if you get a room with an oceanview).

  • Also, it's in a decent section of the boardwalk, so you'll be near all of the nicer restaurants and bars.

  • It's pretty new (I think it opened in 2022), and the rooms are pretty modern.

  • Although this was not a consideration for us, the hotel is VERY pet-friendly.

  • The breakfast buffet is pretty delicious.

  • Also, the boardwalk is a great place to run, and you'll have King Neptune cheering you on. ;)

Now, we are back to reality and dealing with snow that has hit the northern part of the mid-Atlantic region. Since I hate running in the snow, most of my runs this week have been treadmill-based. While I hate running in the snow, it sure does look pretty.

Snow in Silver Spring, MD

Strength Training:

While I have been consistent with strength training, I'm not really sure what I should be doing in the gym. Similar to my concerns about my back in regards to running, I have similar concerns with weight lifting. That said, because of my back situation, I have been focusing on lower body exercises that I normally ignored in the past, e.g., single-leg deadlifts, cable leg extensions, abductor/adductor machines, back raises, and weighted back extensions, etc. The book below might be right up my alley.

Cover of Jeff Horowitz's Quick Strength for Runners.

In a previous post, I low key complained about the "riff raffness" of my local Planet Fitness. However, I received an amazing Christmas gift because another local Planet Fitness opened up a couple of weeks ago, and it's more or less the same distance from my apt as the crappy one.

Kwame after his treadmill run at Planet Fitness in Wheaton, MD.

So this is great because I have a nice Planet Fitness near work and a nicer one near home. In other words, I have no excuse for not hitting the gym.


Except for the Rock n Roll DC Half Marathon, I don't have anything on my race calendar for the upcoming months. BUT, that will change soon (hopefully). Recently, I learned about Run Washington (link: ***), which has a collection of local races in the DMV area.

Logo for Run Washington

Although the races do not look as robust as the one from New York Road Runners (NYRR), something is better than nothing. In fact, I'm eyeing a couple of races in February.

Since I used to be a member of Front Runners NYC, I might be interested in doing a run or two with Front Runners DC (oh, I'm sorry . . . DC Front Runners).

Logo: DC Front Runners

2024 km in 2024:

Ok so I'm going to try to run 2024 km in 2023. Last year's goal (2023 km in 2023) was a big fail due to my back injury. Well, let me keep it real. I probably wasn't going to make 2023 km even without the injury.

Kwame's 2024 km in 2024 progress meter

At least, I'll have 366 days instead of the normal 365 days to complete this task in 2024. ;)

Dieting/Proper Eating:

I'm back on my intermittent fasting plan. Starting this week, I will begin my full 16-hr fasts. While intermittent fasting has been going well, I need to start focusing on proper eating and portion control because I would like to lose at least 20 pounds by the end of April.

Goals for the week:

-Make health appointments. I need to find an internist because I have not had a physical with full blood work in two years. Also, I need to find an optometrist and a podiatrist. One of the crappy things about moving to a new city is having to find new medical specialists.

-Update my running playlist. It seems as if Eurovision has taken over a lot of my running (and general) playlists.

-Start meal prepping.